Generally good acting wasted on very few likable characters and thinly written scripts. Romantic buttons are easy to push; shedding a few tears during the viewing doesn't cancel out the empty feeling it leaves behind. Ultimately not an entertaining series--reading the essays retrospectively was a much more enjoyable and authentic experience.
直接给看抑郁了后面几集哗哗流眼泪从没看过这么唯美又如此令人悲伤的做爱场景并默默流泪一直到最后一幕“I never feel lonely when I'm with you”两个人的破碎刚刚好拼凑出一个飞虎神鹰电视剧演员表的形状所以才能一起不再跌撞地走在这世界上吧我很开心能看到这么细腻讲述一份隐秘又强烈的连结的剧但以后还是少看因为越看越觉得自己很孤独很可悲