When u get those rare moments of clarity, those flashes when the universe makes sense, u tried desperately to hold on to them. They are the life boats for the darker times. When the vastness of all the incomprehensible nature of life is completely illusive.
可愛的小老頭依舊 還是一如既往這麼嘮嘮叨叨正面吐槽ady4加上各種小調dramatic的討論愛情婚姻外遇對待死亡腦中的黑白小劇場電影也太讚了看的時候笑過之後有點小心酸電影節的藝術性和商業性早就該這樣聊聊但想起來老頭說最愛movie 和meat ball 頓時振奮起來life is always like a movie你那麼愛電影 我們這麼愛你 你快點拍下一部
"I wasn't frightened at all. so you were walking towards me very slowly, do you know what was in my mind? I thought what's the matter with him? can't he walk any faster?" There's no better comfort than a golden Hollywood on a sick day.